On "Swastika Night," Segregation, and Self-Regard
I've been thinking a lot recently about this book, Swastika Night, by Katherine Burdekin, which I originally read a couple of years ago.
Inequality as Pre-existing Condition
I've been thinking recently about Trump's obvious difficulty with the democratic process.
Some Things You Might Not Know About Refugees and Asylum Seekers
I did a data visualization project on refugees and asylum seekers last year (I will not display it here because the visualization aspect was not great), and in the process I learned that I had a lot of misconceptions about what those terms mean and how the system operates.
It's all about the State: But Not in the Way You Think
I just finished reading a pretty wild book, Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning, by Timothy Snyder.
Trump Suddenly Very Worried about Safety of Women and LGBTQ People: Something the Media Really Isn't Discussing
I find this fascinating (although of course also horrifying), and I haven't seen anyone on any of the mainstream media outlets paying attention to it.
The Warming-Pan Scandal; or, Fake News May Be Fake, but It Ain't New
You probably already know about the Warming Pan Scandal if you either a-are British, b-study British history, or c-like BBC documentaries. I fall into category C.
Dangerous Orthodoxies: Post-Election Cautions
Hey, y'all. It's been a while since I wrote anything here.
On the History of the Word "Genocide"
For the past few days I've been meaning to sit down and write about the current fractious triangle between Black Lives Matter, progressive Jews, and the word "genocide." But last night I sat down to do some research, and it turns out I don't have to write much of anything at all--someone eminently m
Some Context from the World of Police Misconduct and Bias
For your general information, it turns out that there's some other stuff going on right now in US policing that for some reason isn't being brought into the current discussion of policing practices:
New Video Shows Off-Duty Cop Fatally Shooting Black Man Delrawn Smalls, from Democracy Now! This is
Another Look: Why HB2 is bad for you even if you're not trans
With all the insanity right now surrounding the "North Carolina bathroom bill," especially given McCrory's decision to wait until after 5 pm on the day of the federal deadline and then decide to sue the federal government, it seems like a good time to write about what this bill does to those of us w
What it Means to be Part of the Establishment: Hillary is a Product of Her Environment
For all 5 of you (and that's an optimistic estimate!) who are still following this blog, I don't want to leave anyone with the impression that I think Hillary is a bad person. I don't. I do, however, think she's a product of her own bubble, as we all are.
"Just Shut Up and Vote:" Pragmatism, Tone, and the Silencing of the American Left
So I've been following with interest, as I'm sure other Bernie supporters have, the brou-ha-ha surrounding Hillary's campaign withholding debates based on Bernie's "tone." In particular, I've been kind of surprised at how the issue of gender is playing out in online discussions--I mean, I expected t
On the Media Response to the Oregon Standoff: Or Why it's Not Progressive to Perpetuate False Consciousness
I know I am overdue for a post here to talk about how race and class come to intersect--I put it off not because I don't think it's important, but because I think it is important, and I've been having a hard time thinking about how to write about it in a way that's clearer than what's already out th
On Flint, Michigan: or, why white people misrecognize privilege
OK, so I've been reading about the water situation in Flint, and with all that there is about that incredibly unjust situation to be furious about, here's one thing that's really pissing me off about how people (white people in particular) are responding to this story.
Opening the Vacuum Packaging of the Holocaust: or, What Happened Last Time
I am a person who is often infuriated, but probably one of the things that infuriates me most is the use of mythologized history in an inaccurate way which (almost always) supports people in acting out of moral blindness.
(One of) the Real Myths of Rosa Parks
I've noticed that a lot of people on Facebook are, quite properly, acknowledging that today is the 60th anniversary of Rosa Parks sitting down on the bus as a stand against segregation.
Why the Holocaust Museum Seems Pretty Useless
I provide you here with a link to an article about how Donald Trump thinks we should treat Muslim refugees, as opposed to Christians.
On the Value of Values
For those who have been following my somewhat irregular posting this summer, this will be the last of my posts on Communal Luxury, by Kristen Ross. This post is related to my last post on communal luxury, and also related to some other things I've been reading.
On Darwin and Nature: or why everything you know about the world is flawed
I just finished reading a really insightful book, Communal Luxury, by Kristin Ross. It kind of blew my mind. It's about the Commune in Paris in 1871, an event about which I knew essentially nothing, and which is considered by many to have been the first genuine socialist working class uprising.
On Racialized Policing: What White People Know and When We Know It
A recent opinion poll has shown that there's a huge gap between the way white Americans are viewing events in Ferguson and the way black Americans are viewing them.
Pre-emptive Silencing and the Rule of Law
I'm not sure what to say about the ongoing events in Ferguson, MO, the murder of Michael Brown by the police for jaywalking, the SWAT teams responding to what one would think were very understandable protests with tear gas and rubber bullets.
Who Can Commit Atrocities?
It is now the third week of the Israeli assault on Gaza, and I'm faced with the vastly less important fact that I've been trying to write this post for two weeks.
Who Can Be a Slave? Or Why We Need to Use the Holocaust Differently
So I've been sort of on hiatus from this blog for a few weeks, largely because I felt like I had to write about the Holocaust, and I didn't know how to start.
They All Look the Same to Me: Or, Do Jews Really Look White?
During probably my second year living and teaching in the South, I explained to my African American GED students that I had not celebrated Halloween as a child because I was Jewish.
Privilege Means That the Right Side of the Tracks is the Side You're On
It turns out not to be necessary for me to write about the Federal Housing Authority, redlining, and housing discrimination, since Ta-Nahisi Coates, who is far more articulate than I am, already wrote extensively about those things last week.
Check Your Privilege Part II: How the Jews (and Catholics) GotAffirmative Action
Tal Fortgang is not the only American Jew to believe that his ancestors made it on the strength of their "hard work" and "good values," although he may be the most well publicized right now. Nor is Paul Ryan the only American to believe this about his almost certainly Irish Catholic ancestors.
What Checking Your Privilege Should Mean
Since the publication of Princeton freshman Tal Fortgang's essay on checking (or not checking) his privilege last week, the internet has seen a firestorm of responses. Reading them (and the original essay) makes me heartsick. So I can't claim to have read them or digested them all.
2Why Does Everything Need to be "Innovative"?
Unlike a lot of people, I don't like to listen to music very much. So, since my current job is one you do by sitting at a computer all day, I spend a lot of time looking for talk-show type things to listen to; podcasts, books on tape, whatever. Sometimes I listen to classes on iTunes U.
The American System in Garfield's Diner
I've recently been playing this game on my Kindle-it's one of those games where you have to serve all your customers before they leave the restaurant, give them the right kind of food, make money, etc. Like quite a few other "game" apps, it's free in that you don't have to pay to download it.
4On another note...
I've been really grappling with my students' reading difficulties recently. We've been getting more students with genuine learning disabilities (there's some evidence that as area graduation rates have gone up, dropout rates for students with disabilities have gone up too.
Things teachers/low income schools "don't need"
As I was being checked out at my local grocery store today, I overheard the cashier talking to a friend waiting in another line. This is a cashier who's checked me out a couple of times before-turns out she's the music teacher at a low income school during the year.
the limits of competition--and why we don't think much about them
I had a conversation with a student of mine about a month ago that really set me thinking. I am fairly open, when I teach, about tending towards socialism in my beliefs--I don't apologize for it, although I do say that many people don't feel the way I do.
Thoughts on Middle Class schools
Having recently combined households with my girlfriend, I've recently had the experience of helping my 9 yr old stepson with his homework.
1Reading for Pleasure
Had a conversation with a colleague today about a new student, who she was setting up in our Pre-GED program. She said the student had chosen a book that might be a bit below her reading level, but they decided that was OK for a first book, as the student gets used to reading every day.
1The New GED
I'm sure this isn't on the radar of anyone who's not an adult educator, but a new GED is being unveiled in 2014. The reason? Essentially that a new company has purchased the right to provide it (I think it's Pearson).
2A concrete quandary about ebooks on phones
A new conundrum-most of my students, like many low income folks (and probably teens especially), access the internet through their cell phones.
back after a long hiatus
I haven't felt like posting here in a long time-maybe because I haven't been feeling great about the job I'm doing as a teacher. Maybe because of my mixed feelings of hopefulness/hopelessness about the Occupy movement, and myself as an activist, and what good activism is in an oligarchy anyway.
1hidden vocabulary knowledge
My students and I are looking at/for brand names that are actually words in not-directly-related-to-their-products ways.
2Inner City Tragedy
One of my students got arrested. Based on what they're alleging he did, there's a good chance he won't be coming back any time soon.
at the hour of the closing of the gates
One of my students had to go to the hospital for an emergency operation two days ago. It was the kind of thing that if you had insurance, you would have gotten checked out before it got bad, but he doesn't and he didn't.