On "Swastika Night," Segregation, and Self-Regard
On "Swastika Night," Segregation, and Self-Regard
Inequality as Pre-existing Condition
Inequality as Pre-existing Condition
Some Things You Might Not Know About Refugees and Asylum Seekers
Some Things You Might Not Know About Refugees and Asylum Seekers
It's all about the State: But Not in the Way You Think
It's all about the State: But Not in the Way You Think
Trump Suddenly Very Worried about Safety of Women and LGBTQ People: Something the Media Really Isn't Discussing
Trump Suddenly Very Worried about Safety of Women and LGBTQ People: Something the Media Really Isn't Discussing
The Warming-Pan Scandal; or, Fake News May Be Fake, but It Ain't New
The Warming-Pan Scandal; or, Fake News May Be Fake, but It Ain't New
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Capitalism...
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Capitalism...
Dangerous Orthodoxies: Post-Election Cautions
Dangerous Orthodoxies: Post-Election Cautions
On the History of the Word "Genocide"
On the History of the Word "Genocide"
Some Context from the World of Police Misconduct and Bias
Some Context from the World of Police Misconduct and Bias
Another Look: Why HB2 is bad for you even if you're not trans
Another Look: Why HB2 is bad for you even if you're not trans
What it Means to be Part of the Establishment: Hillary is a Product of Her Environment
What it Means to be Part of the Establishment: Hillary is a Product of Her Environment
"Just Shut Up and Vote:" Pragmatism, Tone, and the Silencing of the American Left
"Just Shut Up and Vote:" Pragmatism, Tone, and the Silencing of the American Left
On Bernie Sanders' Jewishness: He's Not Really Hiding It
On Bernie Sanders' Jewishness: He's Not Really Hiding It
On the Media Response to the Oregon Standoff: Or Why it's Not Progressive to Perpetuate False Consciousness
On the Media Response to the Oregon Standoff: Or Why it's Not Progressive to Perpetuate False Consciousness
On Flint, Michigan: or, why white people misrecognize privilege
On Flint, Michigan: or, why white people misrecognize privilege
Opening the Vacuum Packaging of the Holocaust: or, What Happened Last Time
Opening the Vacuum Packaging of the Holocaust: or, What Happened Last Time
(One of) the Real Myths of Rosa Parks
(One of) the Real Myths of Rosa Parks
Why the Holocaust Museum Seems Pretty Useless
Why the Holocaust Museum Seems Pretty Useless
On the Value of Values
On Darwin and Nature: or why everything you know about the world is flawed
On Darwin and Nature: or why everything you know about the world is flawed
On Racialized Policing: What White People Know and When We Know It
Pre-emptive Silencing and the Rule of Law
Pre-emptive Silencing and the Rule of Law
Who Can Commit Atrocities?
Who Can Commit Atrocities?
Who Can Be a Slave? Or Why We Need to Use the Holocaust Differently
Who Can Be a Slave? Or Why We Need to Use the Holocaust Differently
They All Look the Same to Me: Or, Do Jews Really Look White?
They All Look the Same to Me: Or, Do Jews Really Look White?
Privilege Means That the Right Side of the Tracks is the Side You're On
The Return of Checking Your Privilege: Or, How Home Ownership Became Part of the American "Dream"
The Return of Checking Your Privilege: Or, How Home Ownership Became Part of the American "Dream"
Check Your Privilege Part II: How the Jews (and Catholics) GotAffirmative Action
Check Your Privilege Part II: How the Jews (and Catholics) GotAffirmative Action
What Checking Your Privilege Should Mean
What Checking Your Privilege Should Mean
Why Does Everything Need to be "Innovative"?
Why Does Everything Need to be "Innovative"?
The American System in Garfield's Diner
The American System in Garfield's Diner
On another note...
On another note...
Things teachers/low income schools "don't need"
Things teachers/low income schools "don't need"
the limits of competition--and why we don't think much about them
the limits of competition--and why we don't think much about them
Thoughts on Middle Class schools
Thoughts on Middle Class schools
Reading for Pleasure
Reading for Pleasure
The New GED
The New GED
A concrete quandary about ebooks on phones
A concrete quandary about ebooks on phones
back after a long hiatus
back after a long hiatus
hidden vocabulary knowledge
hidden vocabulary knowledge
Inner City Tragedy
Inner City Tragedy
at the hour of the closing of the gates
at the hour of the closing of the gates
Oh, yeah, and it's Yom Kippur, y'all
Oh, yeah, and it's Yom Kippur, y'all
forensic linguistics
forensic linguistics
Oh, I should also say...
Oh, I should also say...
Cattle-herding like a Champion; and why this is suddenly necessary
Cattle-herding like a Champion; and why this is suddenly necessary
On "Effective teachers"
On "Effective teachers"
A Class Divided
A Class Divided
video on the importance of background knowledge in reading
Content Knowledge Matters For Everyone
Content Knowledge Matters For Everyone
post SOS
post SOS
On Gender Bias in the EOGs, for a Change
On Gender Bias in the EOGs, for a Change
Calling Words
Calling Words
Why I'll be Marching with Save Our Schools
Why I'll be Marching with Save Our Schools
College for Nefarious Purposes
College for Nefarious Purposes
Save Our Schools (and our state!!)
Save Our Schools (and our state!!)
Blackbeard in the EOGs
Blackbeard in the EOGs
unions might actually....HELP CHILDREN??? No way!
unions might actually....HELP CHILDREN??? No way!
an interlude for a math EOG question
an interlude for a math EOG question
And we're back, with more yummy EOG samples
And we're back, with more yummy EOG samples
Next Up: More EOGs
Next Up: More EOGs
up close and personal with the EOGs
up close and personal with the EOGs
on recreational reading and libraries
on recreational reading and libraries
True Life Experiences of a Struggling Reader
True Life Experiences of a Struggling Reader
In This Country We are OK With
In This Country We are OK With
Arne Duncan and Lenin/Stalin's Playbook-What??
Arne Duncan and Lenin/Stalin's Playbook-What??
Why I think Teachers Need Unions (and so do non-teachers)
a closer look at standardized tests: the GED in reading
a closer look at standardized tests: the GED in reading
What DOES democracy look like?
What DOES democracy look like?
the "value" of standardized tests
the "value" of standardized tests
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I'm a Jewish progressive who is really angry about racism and the uses and misuses of American history. I have a Ph.D and am currently in a Masters program for Library Science. I read a lot.
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