I want to say to anyone who's reading out there that when the Republicans talk about "personal responsibility" and how we need to cut "entitlement programs," or how the poor are just lazy, this is who they're talking about. My 19 year old student trying to get himself around by himself two days after a major operation. It sounds good, all that stuff about being independent, but when you run a society on the idea that no one deserves help but those who already don't need it, this is what it looks like. It's brutal. It's not patriotic or job creating or independent or Christian-it's just ugly. It's ugly the same way going into the nursery and kicking newborns in the face would be ugly. It's inexcusable. This is why I support Occupation Wall Street, and why I'll be joining my local occupation this weekend. When they talk about cutting "entitlement" programs, this is what they're talking about. Teenagers. Human lives. People who didn't ever have a choice about what family they were born to. It's not OK.
I want to say to anyone who's reading out there that when the Republicans talk about "personal responsibility" and how we need to cut "entitlement programs," or how the poor are just lazy, this is who they're talking about. My 19 year old student trying to get himself around by himself two days after a major operation. It sounds good, all that stuff about being independent, but when you run a society on the idea that no one deserves help but those who already don't need it, this is what it looks like. It's brutal. It's not patriotic or job creating or independent or Christian-it's just ugly. It's ugly the same way going into the nursery and kicking newborns in the face would be ugly. It's inexcusable. This is why I support Occupation Wall Street, and why I'll be joining my local occupation this weekend. When they talk about cutting "entitlement" programs, this is what they're talking about. Teenagers. Human lives. People who didn't ever have a choice about what family they were born to. It's not OK.
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