1-Children dying of hunger (view budget cuts to food stamps)
2-children dying of things like strep throat, to which we have the cures but will no longer allow access to anyone without money and a job (see SB 33 in NC, which severely limits ER practitioner's liability for either malpractice or failure to practice, see private insurance system as a whole)
3-the mentally ill waiting for days in crowded and frightening conditions for access to any kind of appropriate care-after all, if they'd worked harder, they probably wouldn't have been mentally ill in the first place (see NPR news stories on cuts to mental health services)
3-the elderly dying of hunger or easily preventable disease-after all, if they had worked really hard during their working lives, they'd be wealthy by the time they had to retire (see Ryan's cuts to entitlement programs)
4-the disabled dying of hunger or lack of access to appropriate care-after all, if they're disabled, they're just a "drag on the economy" and "we" shouldn't have to support them. (see cuts to entitlement programs, state cuts to services for the disabled)
5-children with behavioral, emotional, and physical disabilities being given no option but to attend mainstream classes where they can't get appropriate education-after all, if they're not going to be productive workers, it's not "our" responsibility to provide services. They are like little pigs sucking up our money! Their parents should pay for them! (see new waivers from the Department of Ed for some states to cut Special Ed).
6-children born with the virtual certainty that they will never be able to get a living-wage job (see cuts to education, cuts to services, new NC bill preventing students from using federal loans to pay for community college, calculations of what a living wage actually is for a family of 4)
7-publically financing schools to which most children will not have access (see charter schools, everywhere)
8-children denied the chance to learn productively because they are born in poverty or as children of color (see sanctions on Title I schools that don't meet AYP, bias in standardized test writing, school funding, job security of teachers working in Title I schools, charter schools, "turnaround" sanctions, defunding of school nurses, defunding of early childhood education, etc etc ETC). They clearly should have networked harder prior to being born so they could be born to successful families. John Boehner worked hard pre-natally, why shouldn't they?
9-children, teens, and women of any age given inaccurate information about their bodies (see health ed, anti-abortion bills in scads of states)
10-women being forced to carry the children of sexual molesters to term (see anti-abortion laws in scads of states)
11-women who were purposely given inaccurate information about birth control as teens, who then get pregnant, being forced to carry to term and parent babies they are not prepared for (see anti-abortion laws in scads of states)
This is not what a civilized country looks like. This is not what a moral country looks like. This is not what a free country looks like. Does the "Moral Majority" imagine that when they come to die, God will look at their mistreatment of those less fortunate and those who are largely helpless (including children), and say, well done, good job, I never liked them anyway? Really? They must imagine that Heaven is like Congress-that all you need to get in are a loud voice and loads of campaign contributions.
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